Baseball Softball Basketball Volleyball


Homer Baseball serves male athletes ages 4-19. It is made up of a recreation program, a part time HEAT travel program, and a full time HEAT travel program. All our programs focus on fundamentals and provide appropriate levels of competition for players at all different levels of development.

Rec DivisionAge(s)   Grade(s)
 Shetland (Tee-Ball)   4 - 6
PreK to K
 Pinto6 - 8 K - 2nd
 Mustang9 - 10 3rd - 4th
 Bronco11 - 12 5th - 6th
 Pony13 - 14 7th - 8th
 Colt15 - 16 9th - 10th
 Palomino17 - 19 11th - 12th

*Rec program levels are determined by the current age/grade level at the time of registration. Travel program age levels are determined differently.

Recreation programs start at age 4-6 with our Tee-Ball League. The Tee-ball League is co-ed and designed to introduce the game of baseball. Tee ball practice/games take place on weekends (mainly Sundays, 9-11 & 10-12) but weather may force a reschedule to a weeknight occasionally. 1st and 2nd graders play Pinto, 3rd and 4th graders play Mustang, 5th and 6th graders play Bronco and 7th and 8th graders play Pony. 15-16 year old play Colt level. 17-19 play Palomino level. 

Recreation programs run April-June with an additional offering in most divisions of All-Stars in July. HAC has no fundraising commitments in our recreational programs. Please refer to on-line sign up section for complete pricing.

Registration typically takes place in January through February each year.

**PLEASE NOTE** Due to low enrollment numbers, some age groups may be placed in a local league outside HAC that will require some travel to neighboring towns (Lockport and/or Lemont) on Saturdays. This will be determined once the enrollment period is over in March.

PART TIME HEAT TRAVEL programs involve a tryout for the team. These tryouts typically take place as early as mid-July. HEAT travel teams train indoors January-March, then players join their respective recreation league program in April. The HEAT team may play 10-12 games in addition to their recreation schedule April-June. There may also be additional practices. HEAT teams DO NOT play in the fall. HEAT program fees can vary based on team winter training and tournament schedule. Fundraising opportunities are offered to defer fees. Fees range from $500-$750, in addition to recreation fees.

programs involve a tryout for the team. These tryouts typically take place as early as mid-July. HEAT travel teams will practice during the winter months indoors, then plays a season of 30-60 games, including 3-6 tournaments April-July. HEAT program fees can vary based on team training and tournament schedule. Fundraising opportunities are offered to defer fees. Fees range from $1,200-$1,800, payable in installments throughout the year.

For further information email the VP of HAC Baseball.



Division Towns
Shetland 6U Rules (Tee Ball) Homer
Pinto 8U Rules Homer
Mustang 10U Rules Lockport, Homer, Lemont
Bronco 12U Rules Lockport, Homer, Lemont
Pony 14U Rules Greater DuPage Pony Baseball Association
Colt 16U Rules  TBD 
Palomino 19U Rules TBD

Program  Level DivisionBasesMound
BaseballRecShetland 6U (Tee Ball)50'36'
BaseballRecPinto 8U50'38'
BaseballRecMustang 10U60'44'
BaseballRecBronco 12U70'50'
BaseballRecPony 14U80'
BaseballRecColt 16U90'
60' 6"
BaseballRecPalomino 19U90'
60' 6"
Baseball  Travel  14U and up90'60' 6"

2024 Rec Playoff Results

Bronco Division

Mustang Division

Pinto Division


Bronco Division

Mustang Division

Pinto Division


Homer Township is the property owner of the ball fields utilized by Homer Athletic Club. The village requires that the HAC programs utilizing the ball fields follow the guidance of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) as of the present date. Follow this link to see the current IDPH COVID Guidance. Neither Homer Township nor the Homer Athletic Club or its' members can guarantee an environment free from the risk of transmission of COVID-19 or any illness.

IDPH COVID Guidance link: